Friday, September 9, 2011

Strong Vs. Valid Arguments

Arguments are inevitable due to differing perspectives and feelings people have towards something or a situation. It’s impossible to find two people who are one in the same. Epstein teaches us in chapter three that arguments are valid or successful when the conclusion is false, in which there is no possible way for the premises to be true. To determine an argument to be strong, its premise has a possibility of being true, but its conclusion is still leading to be false. Strong arguments are harder to prove wrong because they are more deeply rooted with reasons. Arguments are strong because the statements before the conclusion are true. A valid argument is also true, but is more one-sided in its statement.

Strong argument: Wine restricts blood vessels and in your capillaries increasing blood flow. It is fortified with fruits and gives people vitamin C, as well as, has crabs, which can give people energy. Drinking wine is healthy.

Valid argument: Wine is good for your cardiovascular system. So maybe you will be healthier if you drink wine. 

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