The Critical thinking news and politics group assignment helped with our communication skills and understanding of the critical thinking material. Working together as a group challenges our social interactions with each other. Though it took trial and error to correct our lack of communication, through this experience, our group worked together to work around the circumstances that prevented us from meeting together and forced us to use other outlets of communication such as a facebook group to get share our ideas without one person being out of the loop. Also, the group projects called for one of us to take the initiative and keep track of everyone’s work and make sure that each individual meets a deadline for turning in stuff. Relating the material to real life situations helped me understand what we were learning better. Also, a team member must compile all the work together in one essay, format it, and revise anything that needs work on.
in regards to this blog, which i find very interesting and written really good, i also agree with your comments on group work because it can be a difficult yet rewarding experience if everything works out for the best. Communication is vital to making sure each group member is on task and doing their part. Lessons can be learned from being in these groups and even the critical thinking can be useful. This group assignment can be a lasting experience that can help change your outlook on real life situations such as emergency's or work related, so hopefully these group assignments are an indicator of how we do later in our lives after this class.