Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This was my first time taking an online class and it taught me a lot.  My favorite part about the class was being able to work in groups with people from the class. Regardless of how difficult it got when we had to meet up, I liked working in groups. I like meeting new people and working to adapt to the circumstances of each member. I find it useful and that it served as practice for the real world. My least favorite part of this class was that the due date for our homework each week was Saturdays. I would have much preferred it if homework was due Sunday. Another thing that can be improved is having all of the blogs finished in 12 hour intervals.  I understand that this helps us become disciplined and up to date with our deadlines, but it does become difficult. I wanted to be able to do things on my own time by taking an online class. Having to turn in things in 12 hour intervals were tough because of my hectic schedule. I always had to them towards the end of the week. I think it should be up to the students when to do their blogs but still have a due date. 11:59pm worked out fine, but I just again would say that I’d prefer to start on a Monday and have things turned in by Sunday.


  1. Great post and insight! I have taken so many online classes that my total must reach around 10. All online classes are very different, however, this class was specifically different. Out of the 10 online classes I have taken this was the first one that required us to meet with our people that are in our class. Although I love meeting new people, and getting to see different dynamics within a group, I did not like the group aspect of this class. I agree that our work should be due on Sunday nights instead of Saturdays. I would forget that we had assignments due because again, all my other online classes I have taken had Sunday as our due date. I always do my homework on Sundays and this semester my schedule was a little tweaked because of this class. I agree that the time restrictions could be tweaked a little bit too. I think that 12 hours is a little long. I think that 8 hours would be more realistic and I think that the frequency of students posts would increase.

  2. Nice post! I totally agree with you, I agree on the due dates as well, I would of much preferred homework to be due on a sunday night. I also met new people and seen what kind of people there are. There were really great people in my groups for the exception of two people. Other than that, I thought this was a really great class as well. I was able to do my homework at anytime, and it was awesome! It was hard to sometimes do my work when people didn't do there post. Not many people to comment on.

  3. I agree that working with groups is great thing in any class, even though this course is online. Meeting new people is always a good thing for more social interaction, creating friendship, and opening networks, especially in a college environment. In addition to your post, it was difficult finding the right schedule for all the group members to meet face to face. Students most likely choose to take an online course due to jobs or other external factors. I also agree on the assignments due Saturday night rather than Sunday and the 12 hour interval post. However, without the 12 hour post, there would not be a significant amount of post to comment back to. Commenting on the same post would not be efficient to review various perspectives of the lesson.
