Saturday, September 3, 2011

Critical Thinking Traps

The Essential Guide to Group Communications made me realize how I fall into the traps that hinder my critical thinking skills in-group communication. A problem that I come across as a critical thinker is when I make the assumption that my answer is wrong and that’s what leads me to sit quiet and listen to other answers. I should speak up because it adds to the classroom exercise of understanding all sides to a topic and understanding someone’s reasoning in developing their answer. Accepting communication at face value is when people trust other people’s answers and leave it as it not going further into an argument or the topic. This is something I need to work on as a critical thinker. In my opinion, listening is not always a bad thing and sharing your thoughts with the class is not always necessary, but if there is something that was not brought up yet people should speak up. It never hurts to try and only good can come out of it with understanding the topic or question better. 

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