Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cause and Effect Website

The Cause and Effect Website gave an introduction to Casual Arguments. Upon reading further into the web site, I understood that the site explained what casual arguments were. Casual arguments are basically made when something occurs because of something else: a cause and an effect.

Casual arguments are similar to inductive arguments. Both use cause and effect. The premise and the claim have no significant difference. However, casual arguments have a significant difference for each party involved.

The web site provided three key factors of a casual argument:
1. How acceptable or demonstrable the implied comparison is
2. How likely the case of causation seems to be
3. How credible the “significant difference” or “only significant commonality” claims are.

The website and its exercises have proven to help me understand casual argument/cause and effect better and make it easier to identify and apply it to my every day arguments and thoughts. 

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